Wednesday, December 19, 2007

my sweetie is sick :(

I think Matt has the flu. So he has been sleeping a lot. Which leaves me with random pockets of time and nothing to do. For some reason I've just watched like 5 episodes of scrubs back to back.
Also, on a (seemingly) unrelated note, if you have not eaten at Fresh Thyme Soup Company, you must. The food is delicious. The guy behind the counter is a little weird though.

So, in summary, I hope that Matt feels better and that I don't get sick too.


mylordcares said...

Ciara, Does he need to go to the Doctor? Are his lungs full of gunk? He gets so sick so often I worry. PLEASE take good care of him and tell him I Love him. And if you guys need anything PLEASE let me know Vicki

Jacey Anne Haek said...

Ciara!!! I eat lunch at Fresh Thyme often!!!! Its sooo good.

Hey let me know if you guys are ever still thinking of coming to Solid Rock. I'm there at 6pm every sunday! :)