Tuesday, April 10, 2007

New term, new classes. I did pretty well last term (despite my fears and the nagging suspicion I might barely squeeze by in sound production). Suffice it to say that I am on track to reach my GPA goal (so far). I have some pretty sweet classes this term: Psychology and Editing, which I'm excited about.
Other than that, life is full of a lot of work and a lot of random commitments (sp?). Work is going really well... in fact, I have my 6-month review tomorrow, which I've been looking forward to, because it means I get a formal evaluation and a performance-based raise (YAY). It might sound funny, but I'm actually looking forward to the evaluation part of it, too. I want to know how I'm doing and what I can do better. I like my job, and I think I do it pretty well, but there are always ways to improve... and I like setting goals and feeling like I am reaching them. I don't know how temporary my position is (it's treating me well; I might stay at Starbucks for a while), but I think people are generally happier when they have a good attitude about their job, take pride in what they do, and do it to the best of their ability. So even if I end up leaving in another 6 months, I still want to be knowledgeable and friendly and just good at what I do for as long as I do it. It may not really be that important in the grand scheme of things, but it makes me happy.
The other thing I've been trying to do lately is get more organized, especially with my finances and stuff like that. I decided to start repaying my loans now, since I have a lot of disposable income and it would be really easy for me to just blow through this phase and waste money on random crap. That's usually what I would do. So I am trying to make more responsible long-term choices like paying off my loans, building credit, saving for retirement, planning/sticking to a budget, and trying to put money into savings. We'll see how all of this goes. It is not easy for me to think long-term about things like finances, so this is a big (but necessary) learning experience for me.

Anyway... this blog was probably boring but... oh well, I wasn't sleepy, so I just needed to bore myself a little.


Anonymous said...

"I have a lot of disposable income"

What?? Since when? :)

I hope you get a big raise.

Anonymous said...

Let's see ....

Disposable income,

My birthday tomorrow,

Go here; http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=8454&A=details&Q=&sku=186153&is=USA&addedTroughType=categoryNavigation

Thank you!

Old School

beatlesxforxsale said...

Hahaha. Nice try, Russ. But, I'll keep that in mind if I ever become wealthy...

(P.S.- Happy Birthday!)

Ashby said...

At least two dollars of your disposable income should be spent getting coffee with me sometime soon.

Jon said...

I'm still interested in a lesson or two using final cut pro. Maybe?