Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I have always considered myself to be a person who is respectful of authority, from parents to teachers to government officials. Even church hierarchy. I have tried to have a good attidue and sense of respect for anyone who is appointed to any position in life that is above mine. I value structure very highly, so maybe that is why I think it is so important and force myself to be respectful, obedient, even submissive. I don't know.

I think that is a pretty rare thing for people in my generation. I would guess most people don't think authority is important. Probably because it burns people. And how do you balance what the Bible says about honoring your father and mother and government officials with the sad truth that power corrupts?

So how do you continue to honor Christ with your thoughts and actions when you feel like someone else is holding the reigns?


mylordcares said...

Ciara, The way that I try to remember to show respect to authority even when they seem corrupt is to remember that the Bible also says that Governing authorities have been chosen by Him and we are to respect them because of that. It is so hard in this world to live by the Bible and it's truths when people have turned everything inside out. God see's what you do and how you treat others, so keep doing what you do. Also, as an older adult it is SO PLEASANT when a younger person has manners and shows respect, there is way to little of that these days.

Dave Ketah said...

I was going to say something like that.

mylordcares said...

Ciara, I'm not sure how else to get a hold of you, I don't have your phone number. Ash says she would like to go to lunch on Friday and the movie another time so how does that sound? About 11 or 11:30? Give me a call so I can let her know OK? Talk to you soon, Vicki P.S. Just delete this after you read it, it doesn't really apply to your blog!!!

Unknown said...

govt and religion are two forms of the same thing- attempts to control you. it seems strange to me to try and pit one against the other as if they have opposing goals in mind. they both just want to keep you docile and complacent.

i think you should nurture the more natural and correct sentiment of rebelling against things you don't have a part or say in. this doesn't have to take a disrespectful form either. it can be as simple as speaking out against tyrannical forces in the govt, or questioning why we do certain things in certain ways. this country is based on rebellion anyway, so why do we feel shying away from that tradition is a better decision than embracing it?

"every generation needs a new revolution." thomas jefferson