Monday, November 12, 2007

My dad told me this cool story

This story is about when my parents were dating, way back in the day.

So they'd been dating about a year and it got to that point where the girl (in this case, my mom) finally said, "So are you gonna marry me, or what?"
Both my parents were very involved with the Navigators when they were in college, which, if you don't know, is a huge Christian organization. So they were both pretty firm in their faith and involved in leading bible studies and stuff. Anyway, my dad was doing a bible study about waiting on God. And, as he put it, "the whole point of waiting on God is that you're waiting on God, not that you're just suspending decision-making until you get too impatient." So he told my mom he was waiting on God to direct him. (According to my dad she didn't like this answer much, but I'll give my mom some credit, I'll bet she was pretty patient with him.)
So, it came to the point where a decision finally needed to be made, and my dad still didn't feel like he was getting any answers from God, so he went into a theater at OSU and prayed. He told me this was the only time in his life where he felt he had a spiritual vision, although I'm not exactly sure what that looked like. Anyway, he said he was reminded so forcibly of Abraham and Isaac that he felt God calling him to a similar choice: either choose to follow God wherever He led, or get engaged to my mom. So after a lot of wrestling and frustration, my dad told God that he would follow him no matter what the cost. And God's response, according to my dad, was, "Then you can have Anne."

I thought this was a cute story (I like to think about what my parents were like at my age/life stage), but, more importantly, I thought it was very telling as to the future strength of their marriage. So I like it, and thinking of this story brightened my day a little today.

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