Thursday, July 10, 2008

I have the best husband ever

Yesterday I had to work late and when I came home not only was dinner waiting for me but Matt had bought me a video game he knew I wanted.

But even normal day-to-day married life is awesome. I know I am probably more optimistic than most since I've been married less than two weeks, but I like the simplicity after all the months of busy-ness and stress. We have so much less to coordinate. Not just big things, but little things too, like who's driving to who's house or where we're eating or whether or not we have time to run errands or pursue our individual hobbies. These things may sound stupid, but they have really simplified my life.
Not to mention the fact that I now live with one other person (and one small cat) instead of four other people (and two large dogs). Which means the house is always quiet (unless Matt is playing videogames) and if I clean something, it's still clean when I get home from work (no offense Owens, if you're reading this).

So, not to say that married life is perfect, because that would be unrealistic, but it is pretty cool. I've heard some brides get post-wedding blues, and I kind of understand how that could happen, but not me. I think married life is the best possible reward for enduring wedding planning.


Anonymous said...

It does my heart good to know you guys are so happy. I as well feel better knowing you are finally together as husband and wife sharing your lives. It makes me feel content. I guess it was just meant to be!!!! Love you, Vicki

K said...


Jenn Sanders said...

Glad you're enjoying!

Good to hear from you!