Saturday, April 11, 2009

My Husband is Cool Pt. 1,455,987

So I know I blog about this topic quite a bit, but Matt and his awesomeness happen to be my #2 favorite topic for blogging, so I'm going for it.

Matt and I have been slowly (really slowly) trying to prepare our house for a baby. So far this has mostly consisted of conversations and brainstorming but no real action. To be frank I find the task of re-decorating our house a little daunting in my current state. I like how it is now, and since I don't have a billion dollars to spend buying all new furniture and organizational tools, it requires creativity and that can be a challenge. Usually I am up to such a challenge but for some reason this is hard to get moving on. Perhaps it is me attempting to cling to our last few months as a newlywed couple before being plunged into the reality of parenthood. Anyway, for whatever reason, we haven't really been on top of this stuff yet.

One of the things we have been discussing is how to squeeze our office into another room of the house and this has led to some slight disagreements (not really arguing, just a differing of opinion). I really wanted to buy a computer armoire. I liked the idea of everything being tucked away and neat (a place for everything and everything in its place). I also liked the idea of having something that can close up so that cords, papers and little baubles are out of a crawling baby's reach. Matt liked the desk that we have and didn't agree that a new piece of furniture was really necessary. I think he was also worried about having enough space for all of our office supplies.

We have been looking around for a while, but hadn't come to an agreement on anything. Well, this week Matt started looking and sent me a link to some well-priced furniture on Craigslist. I said it looked pretty good and Matt went and bought it-- for less than the asking price-- and then he and his dad (who is also endlessly helpful... perhaps more on that later) went and picked it up in Oregon City. It needs to be refinished, so today we went out and got the materials to do it and Matt has volunteered to take care of it all by himself (I can't really stain things in my current condition). And guess what-- it's an armoire. :)

I am relieved to have this out of the way and SO thankful that Matt took charge and is getting things done. Plus, he gave up what he wanted and took on a big project to please me and get our house ready for the baby.

Also, while I lazed about typing this, he fixed our toilet (it has been broken for awhile). It is really a blessing to have such a handy husband. I consider myself to be pretty savvy with tools and home repairs but half the time I would be lost without him. Seriously.

Anyway, Matt is currently out in the garage so I feel like maybe I should be doing some wifely things like laundry and dishes rather than spend all day blogging... :)


Unknown said...

You're going to give people the wrong idea if you keep writing these types of blogs...

Anonymous said...

Ciara, This is what Agape love is all about, to give to other's before yourself. My son loves you with that kind of love and I know I have said it many times but I am so proud of the man he is. Every time I see you both together my heart is filled by the love you radiate for one another. It is real and tangible. And you are the perfect wife for him because you love him back in exactly the same way, but in your unique Ciara way. As a Mom I couldn't be happier for my son and his life. Thank-you for loving him. (This is kind of mushy I know but I can't help it, I'm just made this way!) Love you, Vicki

Angie said...

"I can't really stain things in my current condition"

You crack me up. I stained, varnished, hauled up the stairs, and assembled two book shelves while eight months pregnant with Adaya.

beatlesxforxsale said...

Really, Angie? You are wonder woman. I tend to ignore the warnings about lifting things and "overdoing it" because I have a pretty good idea of what my body can take, but chemicals and fumes freak me out. I don't really know what they actually do to babies but in the books they make it sound horrible. Of course they also say not to go outside on days when there is high pollution levels, so who knows.

Angie said...

You're reading way too much. :O)

Anonymous said...

Ciara, You are doing just fine. You are doing what the Dr. says to do. When I was pregnant, especially with Matt, I read EVERYTHING under the sun, just ask Russ. I personally don't want you sniffing fumes that could potentially hurt the baby. You keep doing whatever you feel is right and thank God Matt supports it all. And keep reading. It will help prepare you for motherhood.Vicki