Friday, May 25, 2007

matrix of meanings

A couple years ago, while previewing colleges, I picked up this book at Biola (which is supposed to have a pretty impressive film center). While I wasn't really thrilled with their facilities or equipment, they do seem to have a pretty well-developed understanding of the use and need for Godly people in the mainstream media. It was one of the only Christian schools I went to that didn't treat a career in TV or Film like something that was inherently wrong. Like God is absent from the mainstream media. I visited quite a few schools who believed that working in TV or film would only be "right" if you were doing it with a Christian agenda. Which I think is a pretty ignorant view to hold.
Biola is one of the few schools that understands the importane of pop culture. That sounds kind of dumb, but I really do mean it. Pop culture isn't bad in and of itself. God isn't absent from it. Rather, God uses these things to reach people in ways we never would have dreamed of... and that is pretty impressive. So being a Christian in this field doesn't mean running in the opposite direction. Or limiting yourself to directing movies that star Kirk Cameron (sorry, I'm not a fan).
Anyway, I digress. The point is, this book is cool. It makes me feel like there are others out there who find value in the things I value. Who really get the concept of being in the world but not of the world. And don't try to define God's power or reach over culture.
There is one thing that kind of made me smirk. The guy talks about postmodernism and the emerging church-- the "cool" new trend for the church. Then he talks about how, like with everything else in our culture, it has already begun to lose its edge. How POST-postmodernism is already beginning to form. (this was a few years ago that this book was written)
It makes me smirk because, on the one hand... what the..? Post-postmodernism? Are you kidding?
But, on the other hand, I see it. I feel it. Sometimes I feel just as alienated by the emerging church as any other church. Sometimes it feels like we've swung the pendulum too far in the other direction, and I kind of want to push back. I'm sure there are many people out there who would disagree with me. That's cool. I'm just saying... sometimes I feel like we're completely missing the point.

(Anyway, Kristin, there is an update for you. You can't withdraw your approval based on my blog. If so then I withdraw my approval from the entire continent of Australia. You haven't been updating too frequently either.)


alex said...

K said...

Yay! I've even read the book you wrote about, so it was a double awesome blog.

Ps- Mark your calendar for July 15th. As well as June 23rd :) I can't wait to see you!

beatlesxforxsale said...

june 23rd is already highlighted in red with like twelve circles around it. duh. But what's july 15th?

K said...

Engagement party.
I know nothing about it, my mom is planning it. But expect an invitation in the mail sometime this week - Matt's invited too but I don't think I got his address, maybe my mom did.

So, my flight gets in at like 7:00 the night of the 23rd... please, please, please come to the airport! Jon and my parents will be there (obviously.)