Monday, May 28, 2007

some people are so rude

Today at work a customer brought back a drink complaining that there were coffee grounds in his cup. Of course he had already had most of the drink, but here's the thing. It was an espresso drink. There's pretty much no way coffee grounds could get in that cup.
Which really bothers me. There's really no reason to lie, because we remake drinks all the time for absolutely no reason. And yet people do lie. And sometimes I am soooooo tempted to just hit them with some smart retort. Especially when they're rude liars. But of course I don't.
This guy was particularly rude to me and even after we remade his drink he grabbed up all of his trash, stomped away, and on his way out of the store, threw all the trash on a nearby table.
Seriously, some people are so effing rude that I just want to slap them.
It's worst when they're regular customers, because I see these people almost every day.
Anyway... that's pretty much all I have to say.
I'm already over it.


Anonymous said...

I'm constantly amazed at how rude people can be, especially over a 3.99 warmed beverage.

At what point in life does your coffee drink ruin your day and justify treating other people like garbage?

I'm sure I have the capacity to do this, but I really hope I don't.

Ashby said...

I have to say that sometimes I bring my drink back- if I am paying $4 (which is, like, a hundred normal-people-dollars, right Kiki?) I want it to be right...

but I am always really really REALLY nice about it. I promise.

: )

Jeremy Abbott said...

I feel ya Ciara. People are often rude and disrespectful to us. That can make it really tough to want to provide them an uplifting experience huh. I find this one of my greatest challenges in trying to be Christ-like at the workplace. Mainly in my feelings towards them and how I communicate my frustration about them to co-workers. I'm sorry.