Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm gonna tarantino it...

Today I:
1) cut open my left hand thumb with a box cutter (ouch)
2) got a performance review at work (doing good)
3) got a raise because of my performance review (I don't know how much)
4) welcomed my friend (alaina) back from idaho
5) didn't go grocery shopping

Yesterday I:
1) had to call my boss to let me into the store at 4 am
2) was reviewed (surprise!) and then complimented by our district manager for running the "perfect shift" (she didn't know about the 4 am part I guess)
3) started an intense bible study that I plan to finish in april or may
4) was inspired and brought to tears by the facts of this study
5) didn't go grocery shopping

On Monday I:
1) totally scorched the thumb of my right hand (if you are reading this far you will realize by now that I am totally thumb-crippled)
2) baked 4 completely different mini pizzas for dinner (pepperoni, taco, chicken bacon parmesan, four cheese)
3) left my keys inside the store to screw myself over the following morning
4) had my first ever taste of some kind of alcoholic tea beverage (gross)
5) went grocery shopping, but only one day's worth

I am desperately in need of groceries but I've learned over the past three(ish) months that I HATE GROCERY SHOPPING... and so does Matt.


Anonymous said...

Hit Costco and stuff as much in the freezer as you can. Divide hamburger, steaks, chops and whatever into individual size portions and then you will have enough for a month or so. It works for us!! Vicki

Anonymous said...

I love grocery shopping, just give me your list and i would be happy to do it!
