Monday, September 14, 2009

a few things

First of all, I am really itching to go for a jog. I'm starting to understand what people mean when they say they have no time (or in my case, no energy) to exercise. I am almost to the six-week postpartum mark so I've decided I'm going to start jogging again, beginning this week.

Secondly, we are going camping tomorrow with the Hartzell family for five days, which will be our longest vacation in over a year.

Finally, the Strandys are coming to visit us at the end of this month. I am really excited to see them again.

Okay... time to dig into the housework.


Kenny said...

Is "really itching to go for a jog" code for "getting pictures of the tunnel" because that would be awesome and exciting.

K said...

blog = updated :)