Thursday, February 08, 2007

I'm leaving

Well, despite what can only be described as a 4-day long asthma attack, I'm off to LA tomorrow. I'm a little nervous because my parents are gone on the elders' retreat, so if something goes wrong with my flight, or I mess anything up in any way, there will be no one around to bail me out. Hopefully I don't screw up and miss my flight, or lose my baggage, or lose my boarding pass, or accidentally pack a pocket knife in a carry-on, or get kidnapped, or somehow get on the wrong plane and accidentally fly myself to timbuktu.... then again, you never know...
Oh! I hope I don't get airsick. I didn't even think about that... but it is the most likely. :(
Anyway. I'm looking forward to getting away for a while and hanging out with Brianna and Andy (I haven't seen them in months) and my cousin Connor. Looking forward to a little Disneyland, a little sunny weather, the beach, In & Out burger, getting a crazy piercing or two... you know. All the fun stuff. ;)
However-- I'm really NOT looking forward to saying goodbye to Kristin. That part will suck.

I think I'm pretty excited, though. It's hard to know if I'm antsy because of excitement or because I'm still all drugged up and not getting enough oxygen. Only time will tell...

1 comment:

Paulos said...

timbuktu wouldn't be too bad, you'd get to fly over kenya ashby's home right?