Monday, March 19, 2007


Today, finally, after 4 weeks of the most horrific and frustrating writer's block I have ever experienced, I found a plot for my script. Something that might actually work instead of just ten pages of useless junk (like what I have been spitting out lately).
So, I have a few hours to get a rough draft of this thing. I have somewhere between 3 and 5 pages left to write, maybe more. Depending on what I rework.
What a relief. The hard part-- finding an idea that works-- is pretty much over. I can write dialogue like nobody's business (even if it is OTN-- I don't care). So anyway, here goes...


Ashby said...

good job, kiki. I am proud of you. it is exciting to write.

Anonymous said...

That was a good script!

Unknown said...

nothing prods one to create more than an impending deadline...

PS what is OTN?

Anonymous said...

you goin to roccos tonight? 7pm... me, alex, eli, erin, walker, kyle, anthony, shaun, .......maybe garrett. so get your ass down here