Sunday, March 11, 2007

some things that may or may not be useful to you

I read this article today that said there is a link between cold feet and catching colds during the winter. Chilling the body constricts your blood vessels and cuts off the blood supply to the nasal passages. This is one of the primary ways germs enter your body and without the disease-fighting white blood cells to protect you, you're pretty much screwed. So, try to stay warm in general, and especially wear thermal socks in the winter! Because your feet are one of the first places you get cold.

Second, topically applied coffee grounds reduce the appearance of cellulite and can clear and brighten your skin. This is partially because of the chemical makeup of coffee and partially because of the rough texture of the grounds (pretty much a natural exfoliant). However, coffee is a natural laxative so it should always be used with a good moisturizer, or it can dry out your skin.

And... speaking of coffee... did you know that each coffee cherry produces only 2 beans? A full coffee plant will harvest only 1 to 1 and 1/2 lbs of coffee beans PER YEAR. That is insane. I was looking around our store this morning and trying to picture in my head how many coffee plants that represents, in just the beans we have sitting around right now. I can't imagine.
No wonder coffee is so expensive.


Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for the advice about keeping yourself warm to avoid colds. I mean, it's basically spring now and I've already been sick like a billion times, but hey, I guess that information will be helpful next year...

Jon said...

i like you

K said...

Upset. Jon doesn't even comment on my blog. Ever.

PS - I miss real coffee. The iced coffee here is espresso, cream, and ice cream. No ice. Ice cream. Bullshit.