Thursday, February 12, 2009

Two things:

You may have read in the news that Starbucks eliminated some 1300 positions yesterday. (Quick side note-- it annoys me the comments people make about this. It's almost like they are rejoicing in Starbucks' failure. I understand why people hate the company, but still. It employs thousands upon thousands of people; 7,000 of which will be losing their jobs in the new few weeks. It could be I am touch sensitive since it hits kind of close to home, but still. Rant over)
Anyway... where was I? Oh yes, our assistant store manager was one of those demoted (not for personal reasons or anything, they're just getting rid of that position in general). I'm not going to lie, it is actually better for me in terms of my paycheck. Since she was a salaried employee, she had to be scheduled 40 hours a week which means the other supervisor and I were barely getting 30. Now we will all be splitting the hours, so I will be able to scrounge a few extra every week. Still, it sucks. I feel bad for her and for our store manager, and a few of the baristas who didn't see it coming and are now freaking out about their positions.

Mooooving on... part deux, Matt and I had our second doctor appointment today. We met our real doctor for the first time, and to my relief he is nice and not creepy (sorry, but sometimes I wonder about male OB-GYNs). Mostly this appointment was boring. We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, which was still pretty fun and reassuring. I got the results of all my tests and they told me stuff I already knew, like that I don't have HIV. So far everything looks good, none of the scary stuff happening like I read about in mommy books. The only really cool part of our visit today was that we got to schedule our NEXT visit, which is in about 6 weeks. And that is where we get our anatomy ultrasound and get to find out the sex of the baby. It seems like that came upon us really fast, though I'm sure the next few weeks will drag on with me just waiting for it. Also, I am eagerly anticipating the first kicks and punches which are supposed to be coming in about a month or so. I'm told it can take longer for first-time moms to recognize these things, but I'm determined to be so tuned in to my body that I won't mistake it when it happens. We'll see if this works... I bet not.

(In case you are wondering why my blog suddenly became mom central, it's because I have made it a goal of mine to record my pregnancy IN CASE I have a little girl who someday will want to read about it. My parents saved their love letters and let me read them when I fell in love with Matt, and I always thought that was a cool gesture, so this is kind of like that. And also, I'm too lazy for paper journals.)

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