Monday, March 08, 2010

I'm sad that District 9 didn't win last night. I don't know anything about The Hurt Locker, so I guess I need to watch it before I declare injustice. As excited as I am about the first female director to win an Oscar, I really thought District 9 was one of the best movies I have seen in years... and it deserved some recognition. I guess the nomination was enough.

Also, I have been itching to read the book "Push" ever since I saw the first trailer for Precious, and after last night, I am totally hitting up Powell's today to get a copy because I can't wait any longer...

In other news, I spent this weekend with my daughter, mom, cousin, grandma, and all my aunts in Seaside. It was an awesome trip. There was good food, chocolate, coffee, and my aunt taught me how to make mosaics out of old Starbucks cards.

She took up this hobby about a year ago (I think?) and it has earned her an "in" with the corporate artists up in Seattle (where she lives). She even got to tour their roasting plant and meet all the bigwigs. I have always wanted to learn to mosaic, but I've never had the tools/opportunity to do so... so it was a fun time for me. Not to mention having the opportunity to 100% focus on a craft for more than 20 min at a time, because there were plenty of people willing to take care of my baby.

I think Matt enjoyed having a weekend to himself as well, playing video games and sleeping without interruption.

Anyway. Time for breakfast.


Sarah said...

Glad you had a good time... missed you at church though. How'd Kisa do, staying in a different place? Does she do pretty well away from home?

Do you have a picture of the mosaics? They sound cool!

Sarah said...

BTW, did you know that I get "Hey Jude" stuck in my head just about everytime I check your blog? It's true.

Ashby and Abram said...

I do too Sarah! and. well basically ditto both Sarah's comments. I want to see the mosaics. : )

(and Rachel and I were just talking about the book 'Push', and your bringing it up at book club, last night! I want to read it now too.)

beatlesxforxsale said...

1) Kisa usually does ok away from home, but I think the combo of all the new people, the different bed, and no daddy made this trip a little bit rough on her... she was friendly during the day but I got NO sleep at night.

2) I will post pics of the mosaics... I will get some from my aunt, hers are fantastic, mine was only ok

3) I cannot wait for book club to read Push with me. I am going to buy it tomorrow... I read the first couple pages on the amazon preview and I'm already hooked... sorry :)

Ashby and Abram said...

it's okay that you can't wait. also I think some of the people in book club wouldn't want to read it.

can I borrow it when you're done? I assume there are 9028390 holds on it at the library because of the movie, and I don't have any money for new books right now.

sorry you didn't get any sleep this weekend! looking forward to seeing the mosaic pics!