Friday, April 23, 2010

I went through my facebook "friends" list and "hid" status updates from people who do the following:

1) Post constantly about what they are drinking, how much they are drinking, and/or how cool they are for drinking

2) Whine constantly about their failing relationships/friendship drama

3) Consistently use vague, emo-sounding song lyrics and/or poetry quotes as status updates

4) Post complaints of any kind more than five times per week

The end result being that I am now following about five people, and I don't really need to be following these people on Facebook because I actually see them in real life.


Wesly Smith said...

Hey, I may have made the cut, since I never update my status.

Sarah said...

Yes, I recently hid a majority of the facebookers and dramatically reduced the newsfeed clutter. It was actually quite refreshing...

Ashby and Abram said...

what if I complain ABOUT my drinking drama using only poetry and song lyrics, 38 times a day?

Mark Owen said...

All this by a woman who has a beatles quote on her blog header!

Sarah said...


Blog header ≠ status update. Those are two very different categories...