To make your own screen-print, you need some sheer fabric (organza is perfect), a picture frame (with the glass), a bottle of modge podge, a paintbrush, tape, and a hot glue gun.
So, step one is to find your image. Tape that to one side of the piece of glass, and tape the fabric to the other side. You have to have a piece of fabric that is bigger than your picture frame so you have space to glue it to the frame later.
Okay, according to the directions I read, you're then supposed to trace your image on to the fabric. However, this is complicated and not really very helpful. So if your image and your fabric are both secure, you can just start making the print. The second time I did this, I taped the whole apparatus down on my counter using duct tape, and that made the whole thing easier.
Step two is to to start making the actual screen. What you want to do is, using your modge podge and a paintbrush, paint around everything that you DON'T WANT to show on your final print. Since you are painting on top of the glass, your fabric will stick to the glass and hold itself in place.
After the glue is completely dry, pull the fabric away from the glass. You may need to do some touch ups, but your screen is ready for printing.
Use hot glue (or staples) to attach your screen to the picture frame (you don't need the glass for this part). Now, you can paint over the screen, and your image will show up on the fabric (or paper) underneath!
That last picture is a test print I did of a textile pattern that I designed. Planning on using that to line my reusable grocery bags. :)
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