Monday, May 24, 2010

Hartzell Pride

Whew. Nap time (aka my one free hour of the day and the only chance I get to blog) is now mostly devoted to my morning workout, which is a really positive thing, but my blog may be taking a hit as a result.

So, we had a full weekend as predicted, though I unfortunately missed out on my friend's bridal shower on Sunday. I was just too tired after the bachelorette party. I pretty much had my "mom hat" on that whole evening (mom jeans? I don't know-- the point is, I was being a mom) and was focused on trying to make sure no creepy guys messed with any of the girls or that no one wandered out into the street in front of oncoming traffic. At one point I actually implemented the buddy system. Sigh. I am getting old.

The kicker was when I found myself in a trendy Pearl District bar sipping some ice water and showing one of the other girls pictures of Kisa on my cell phone. Yep. I am THAT PARENT.

Anyway, all joking aside, I was really glad I was there. I have been thinking quite a bit in anticipation of Mitch and Ashley's wedding this upcoming weekend. When I was single, I thought a lot about the husband that I would someday marry, but I don't know how often I thought about the family I might marry into. Or if I did, I thought about what my mother- and father-in-law might be like, and not about potential siblings.

I have to say that I lucked out with the Hartzells. Sure, we have our drama like any family, but I really do love them (and like them- most of the time). I feel especially lucky that I got another sister in the mix, and as time goes by, she is starting to feel more and more like a real sister.

Probably the most exciting thing about this upcoming weekend is OFFICIALLY welcoming Mitch into the family (although technically we are getting rid of Ashley... I prefer to see it differently). I genuinely like and respect my soon-to-be brother. He is so good to Ashley and to Matt's parents. I have watched the way he has taken care of Ashley and it makes me very proud... (now if only my other sister would find someone like that! and stick with him).

Anyway, not to gush, I am just very excited about watching God add to my family. An unexpected perk of marriage (if you're lucky). Who knew.


Anonymous said...

Love you too sweetheart. And you fit like a glove, even though I never doubted it. You love my son and Grandaughter so unconditionally and have done a phenominal job with both. I am so proud of my kids and their choices of spouses. Adding to our small but mighty family is just one of the many blessings that our Lord has provided. We Are ALL SO, so blessed. Gammie :)

Unknown said...

If you ever wear mom jeans, we're going to have a serious issue.

Anonymous said...

I love you, you're pretty much a life saver :) Lets do lunch on me when i get back from our honeymoon.


Anonymous said...

That is so nice, Ciara. I am looking forward to being officially part of the family too. :)