Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Across the Universe

This movie was so, so good. People mostly told me it was just alright but I LOVED it. I want it to come out on DVD so I can watch it again.
I love The Beatles. And I thought these were the best Beatles covers I have heard, including the I Am Sam covers, which is saying a lot.
Also, I am usually not a fan of musicals, but this seemed like it worked together pretty well. And I liked how they referenced songs without singing them, like She Came In Through The Bathroom Window. And I liked how they mixed the really famous with the not-so-famous ones.
I Want You (She's So Heavy) was pretty genius.


Unknown said...

you are SOOOOOOOOOOOOO right. this movie came out of left field (i hadn't heard ANYTHING about it before i saw it!) and flattened me.

best scene: carrying the statue of liberty across a small version of vietnam...

beatlesxforxsale said...

I agree! The whole She's So Heavy sequence was amazing, best part of the movie by far.

Jeremy Abbott said...

So you asked me about this today and I had totally forgotten that I had seen trailers for it and think it looks great. I didn't realize it was a beatles movie though???

K said...

heh, i just knew when i clicked on the link to your blog i would find something about this movie on here.

when i left the theater, i wasn't sure how i felt about the movie. i felt disappointed, like i was expecting it to be something else. but it's been well over 24 hours since we say it and i'm still thinking about it...

and i'm also trying to talk myself out of buying the soundtrack.

beatlesxforxsale said...

why would you talk yourself out of it?

Nathan said...

that came in through the bathroom window part is a perfect example of what i'm talking about. its cute and cliche. Which is fine but i think its part of what doesn't make it great.

Unknown said...

nathan=patently wrong on this particular opinion.

kitschy or not, it blew my mind, which is something to write home about (not to mention argue w/your friends over).

Nathan said...

well i do enjoy arguing...