Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I have been praying hard these days.
My heart is just not in the right place. It has not been for a long time, well over a year. This past year has left a lasting imprint on the way I treat and perceive other people.
Before, I would say that I was a genuinely compassionate and patient person, one who rarely held grudges or placed blame. And also a person who enjoyed other people. Now I would more describe myself as someone who is impatient with others, disappointed in most people, and bitter. And I do not enjoy people. Most people, in my experience, are a source of pain and frustration. I have mostly (and in some cases, completely) lost all desire to mend any broken relationships. I have grudges I won't let go, and people who I have distanced myself from, even within my own immediate family.
And I have been praying so hard about this, and I just do not see resolution. I don't feel any hope for myself. I am confused about what is right and wrong, just and unjust. What is justified anger and what is sin? Does being a Christian mean I suppress all my disappointment, that I smooth it over and for the sake of forgiveness pretend it doesn't exist? And, if so, if I don't speak it out loud, then how do I banish it from my mind? Just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't feel it.
But I don't want to hate people. And if I'm being totally honest (which I am right now) I am dangerously close to that extreme with most of the people in my life. Which is scary.
So what am I supposed to do? I have been praying for compassion, for specific people. And I have been praying against my own pride and bitterness. I don't know what to do besides that. And when I read the Bible I get mixed answers. When I read the prophets I think that God must have a purpose for anger in His name, but He deals in mercy and grace. So where should I fall on that wide spectrum? And did He create this in me for a purpose, or is it a weakness that I want to pass off as a gift?
I feel completely encased in sin. In my own sin and in other peoples' sin, and it feels like a trap that is pressing down on me and making life miserable. And I am not talking just the big things, it is all the small things too. It is all of the inappropriate and immature things that are said. It is the gossip. It is divisiveness. And hypocrisy. And selfishness. It is just everything. Everything about humanity, about how we sin and drag God's name through the mud every day. It disgusts me. My own sin and pride disgust me. This burdens my heart, and I do not know how to shrug it off and enjoy people in spite of sin.

I don't know if this makes sense, and I don't really even care, I'm not looking for feedback or anything. I think that my anger is most sinful when I hold onto it by fooling myself into thinking it is righteous. I can do that if I keep it in, but I can't do it if I admit to it. I want to think I am always in the right, who doesn't, but I know I'm not. I am trying to admit I am wrong in my thinking, even though I'm not all the way ready to accept that fact yet. So how can I hide it if I put it out in the open? Then people can see my sin and judge it for what it is.


Unknown said...

You're typically very concerned about us not letting the sun set on our anger when we have disagreements.

Why does this not apply to all the other relationships in your life?

I think this is a very brave post.

Like I've been saying, anger has its place. At some point, though, we need to move from anger to love. I don't really know if anger will change ourselves or other people. But I think love will.

mylordcares said...

Oh Ciara, life can be so hard.In our Bible Study we are doing "Becoming Emotionally Whole" by Charles Stanley, just this last Monday we did the chapter on "The acid of anger". That's what it is, an acid that eats away at you. Here are some excerpts from the book that may help you, at least I hope. "Nothing good comes from anger, and that is why it is contrary to God's plan for emotional wholeness. Outbursts of anger hurt other people and internalized anger hurts the angry person. But what you may ask about the little bouts of anger? They are all equally wrong before God. Ask God to forgive you for ALL expressions of anger against other people and to cleanse you of an angry spirit. Then ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with all His love, joy and peace". He then talks about Jesus in the temple with the money changers and how that was "Righteous indignation". "Jesus' action was vented not against the individuals themselves but against their actions, and against the system that allowed buying and selling in God's house of prayer". And here are the alternatives that God gives you about anger, " Confess it, admit to God that you are angry. Ask for His help. CHOOSE to trust God fully. Anger is one expression that you aren't trusting God fully. Confess it and ask Him to forgive you for it". There is alot more in this chapter it was a good and convicting one. You can read it the next time you are over. Matt is right, you are so brave and have laid your heart wide open, most people NEVER do that. In this post you have confessed your anger to anyone who reads it and that is so rare. Now rest in God's arms and allow Him to heal you and bring you peace. I know you have heard it before, but's its' the TRUTH. He, and He alone can help. I will be praying as well....

Ashby said...

Hey Ciara,

I just want you to know I love you and I agree with Matt that this is a very brave post. And I prayed for you for quite a bit the other day. Maybe it was yesterday. I can't remember.

Also, I was wondering. Did you ever throw cups in Nathan's face? I need to know.

Angie said...

Praying for you...