Friday, August 07, 2009

Selena Grace

Last night I went to the hospital with my mom to visit one of our friends who had JUST given birth. The couple just moved out from the midwest a year ago so they don't have a ton of family and friends in the area, and she delivered 2 weeks early so the family hadn't come out to visit yet. Consequently, my mom and I were probably the only two people to visit them yesterday.

I have hung out with them a few times over the course of my pregnancy, and it has been cool to know another pregnant mom... our due dates were only two weeks apart and we're both having girls, so it's been fun to compare notes. I was so excited that I got to visit them in the hospital and hold their newborn baby! She was probably only two or three hours old when we got to see her.

That was an incredible experience. I have never been in the hospital to see a baby before, and I have NEVER in my life held a newborn. This baby was also one of the cutest babies ever. She looks exactly like her parents already. It made me so excited to meet our baby and see her little face for the first time! What does a combo Matt & Ciara look like anyway? I guess we will find out soon enough...

I am getting pretty excited again. Every day that passes is one day closer to labor, and every day my chances of going into labor that day increase. No matter what, even if I go way overdue, there's a limited amount of time this can last. So, that is good. And pretty soon I will be holding MY daughter instead of someone else's. Yay!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's the spirit!

By the way, now that you are 22, you will become a New Mom at the same age as your grandmother and great grandmother (Anne's)!