Thursday, December 03, 2009

Here is my personal goal: that someday, when I pass off this job as Ethnos administrator, the person who comes after me will never have to say that the person who worked the job before them didn't quite know exactly what they were doing.

They will have an easily maintained organizational system, they will know precisely what the job entails, and they will be trained. And they will have a manual to refer to in the event that they have a question.

I say none of this to "rip on" anyone who has worked this job before me, because I think it is a difficult job if you only do it for a few months (which is what most of them did) or if you are not trained properly (which none of us were). But I think we can do better.


Unknown said...

There are going to be very, very few people who will understand the amount work you're putting in to this and the amount of time you're spending on it. I'm glad to be someone who sees it, and I appreciate your commitment to make things run as smoothly as possible at Ethnos!

Dave Ketah said...

As your "boss", I certainly understand what you have put into it, and think you are doing a great job!