Monday, December 28, 2009

Merry Christmas, Kisa!

When we were over at the Hartzells' on Friday they dug Matt and Ashley's old toy box out of the garage and gave it to us. We gratefully accepted (because when don't we accept free things?) but decided we'd like to make some changes so it would fit better with her decor. So here are the "before" photos:

Step one was to disassemble the whole thing and paint it white and green to match the other furniture in her room.

I found some awesome green and white polka dot fur at the fabric store, and I lined the inside of the toy box with the fabric so her toys won't break when she chucks 'em in there.

I liked the checkerboard from the original design, so I lined the top of the box with felt and painted a new checkerboard on the inside with some green fabric paint:

I also painted over the old patterns on the top and side with my own murals to match her room. One side already had a green chalkboard, which I left because it's cool (and it already matches). Soooooo here's he finished product (after 12 or so hours of work):

We are spending this week remodeling and redecorating Kisa's room (Matt is remodeling and I am redecorating) in preparation for the Big Move (aka when she starts sleeping in a crib and not in our room/bed). Today I did this and Matt hung custom shelving in her closet, replaced her old light fixture with a new ceiling fan, and shampooed the carpet. Tomorrow we are buying a crib and installing blinds. I've got a few other projects I'd like to tackle, but we are well on our way to our first completely remodeled room in this condo!

Thanks Russ and Vicki for the toy box! Kisa will now have furniture in her room from my childhood as well as Matt's, which I think is pretty cool.


Anonymous said...

Oh Ciara, It looks precious!! I can't believe it's the same toy box. You are so talented. I can't wait to see the room all done. GOOD JOB you guys!!!!! :) Grammie

Brenda said...

Nice job Ciara! You are so talented!

Unknown said...

You guys did an amazing job, I like that you guys try everything!

I'm also glad you kept the checkerboard, maybe I'll make some pieces!

Anonymous said...

Ciara, If you guys are all done you need to post pictures of the room. I know everyone would like to see them. Vicki