Friday, June 04, 2010

There is really nothing in the world quite like watching your kid learn how to communicate. Today as I was getting Kisa her snack, she started shaking her head, then pointed (rather insistently, might I add) at her favorite snack instead. Jeez, mom, how >dare you feed me a cracker when what I want is a cheese puff!

Last night, when we were getting ready to put her down, we walked into her room and she started dancing, even though there was no music playing. I started laughing at her, until I realized she was pointing at her cd player and asking us to turn it on for her so that she could dance.


Anonymous said...

She is not only the cutest baby ever born but also the smartest. You know that is the Hartzell gene's in her!!! ( Love you Mark and Anne!!!) Gammie

Mark Owen said...

You are right on all points -it must be the Hartzell genes. But wait...didn't you say she wanted to DANCE?

beatlesxforxsale said...

Yes. I seem to remember a recent event where ALL of the Owen members tore up the dance floor... :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, but she can LEARN how to do better at that. Being smart is just naturally part of our clan, ain't that write!!!!! She's got moves in her that haven't even been invented yet and yes again that rhythm comes from her Pa ya know..........