Friday, November 06, 2009

It feels unfair that over a week has gone by and I STILL have a major headache and I'm STILL so tired that this afternoon (after a cup of coffee, mind you) I took a nap ON THE FLOOR (the floor I have not vacuumed in... oh, I don't know how long) in front of Kisa's swing so that I wouldn't have to rouse myself and walk over there to put her binky back in her mouth if it happened to fall out.

That was kind of a run on sentence, but oh well. At least most of the stuff in that paragraph is spelled correctly, although exhausted has taken a toll on my punctuation.

Seriously though, if you know me you know I am a complete pansy when it comes to headaches. I hate them, and the most minor headache makes me feel like I am going to implode imminently. I would rather throw up all day than have a headache all day.

In other news, I am looking forward to relaxing all weekend, because hopefully I will feel better after a little R & R.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, Have you ever had mono? Ash had a horrible headache to begin with when she had it. Are any of your glands swollen or does your throat hurt? I would suggest you going to urgent care and getting checked and a blood test. If you have something like mono. it is very contagious. PLEASE, let us help if we can at all. We are planning to be home all week-end. Praying for you. Love, Vicki