Friday, January 22, 2010

reality check

This has been a rough week for me. There are so many reasons why, none of which need to be publicly broadcast... but a lot of things have not gone my way this week, and this morning I am pretty much at the end of my rope. I am so glad today is friday, because I just want to spend a couple of quiet days with my husband, daughter, and a large container of chocolate ice cream.

I would be lying, though, if I said there was nothing positive about this week, so I am taking my friend Sam's advice and focusing on the things I am thankful for.

Yesterday I had a really fantastic opportunity to join a mom's group that is happening at Sunset Pres. I had no idea how badly I needed something like this until I was sitting in a room surrounded by 40 or 50 other moms and babies. I was almost in tears listening to other women sharing their stories of first-time parenthood (which are surprisingly similar to mine). I met another mom who works from home and has a one-year-old son. She's probably at least ten years older than me, but I'll bet we have more in common right now than some friends I've known since high school. I am feeling very, very thankful to have found this group of women and I'm really hoping that both Kisa and I can make some lasting friendships. I think I need to put some more effort into building relationships with other moms, both for my sake and for Kisa's. I have a few acquaintances with young kids, but no one in my immediate community, and I'd really love to have play dates and women I can call up for advice or to vent or whatever.

Anyway, that was a HUGE blessing for me this week. I don't think I can even express in words how much it meant to me.

I have also been reminding myself that the past three years have been overflowing with God's provision and blessings in my life. I got married, bought a house, had a baby, and God has provided for our life together in ways that were literally beyond my imagining. I don't think I could have asked for more from Him. My relationship with my brother has changed and is growing into what I have prayed for years that it would be. I am brimming with pride over Daniel and the things he has accomplished in his own life over the past several months. I hoped for, but did not really expect, him to make such a dramatic change in his life. What a joy for me to finally be able to say that I have a deep respect for my older brother (for the first time in as long as I can remember)...

So, yes, I have an incredible amount to be thankful for. Even if I feel like a lot has gone wrong this week, I have a family I love, a roof over my head, food in my fridge and money in the bank... I have been redeemed by a God who loves me like crazy and has held this entire awful week in the palm of his hand. I guess life isn't so bad after all...


Anonymous said...

Oh Sweetie, Look back on what you just said. God's lesson for you on this has already been learned, amazing. I am so, so glad you had fun yesterday. When Matt and Ash were young my playgroups with them and the friends we made lasted until we left Washington. And two of them, Sue and Janet, I still consider my best friends. God has a lesson and plan in all that is happening. Even though it is hard and painful it may be, meant to be and maybe time to move on. He will let you and Matt know. And I cried reading about you and Daniel. I know alot of how you have felt and prayed ceasingly and to hear you say you are proud of him is truly an answered prayer. Those are GREAT things Sweetie, and you see them all. Such wisdom, God given wisdom, at such a young age. Love you, Vicki

Dave Ketah said...

Way to be, Ciara! A bad week or day can dissolve or amplify simply on the basis of attitude. Usually, when I am having a week like yours sounds, I remember a phrase from scripture: "David strengthened himself in the Lord." In its context, there is no "a,b,c" or "1,2,3" for how he did that. I think that is the point. Anyhow, glad to read about your week progressing as it has.

Angie said...

One definately needs to have other mommies around her. I didn't when Josiah was little. I am very thankful for the relationships I have built with the other women in my Wednesday morning Bible Study. They have taught me much and I love them dearly.

I found it funny when I realized that your new friend who's probably 10 years older then you, is also probably younger then me. :O)