Friday, January 08, 2010

ski trip!

Matt and I received an awesome gift this Christmas (or rather, the promise of a gift). Instead of exchanging presents, my parents are taking the entire family on a four-day ski vacation to Black Butte over President's Day weekend.

I am so excited about it that I am literally counting down the days until we leave. I have not been skiing in over two years, and I think the year before that I went to the mountain only once.

I am not an athlete by any stretch of the imagination, but there is ONE sport that I love, and that is skiing. I love it so much that in high school I was on our school's ski team and I competed (albeit rather poorly) in downhill races. It is also the one sport that I LOVE to watch on TV and will become completely immersed in. Perhaps someday, if I am ever wealthy beyond my wildest dreams, Matt and I will be able to attend the Olympic winter games. It's kinda killing me that they are so close this year and I won't be seeing them.

Anyway... there are not many things I do well athletically (in fact there is nothing I do well athletically) except ski. I'm not fantastic at it, but I am a pretty decent skier and because I love it SO much I have always wanted to get Matt into skiing. We have never been up to the mountain together. To me this is the equivalent of being married to Matt and never hearing him play the drums or never seeing a website he had built. I am so excited to show him something I love and am good at. I really hope he loves it too.

I am also just excited to do something I love. It's sad that my one athletic hobby is such an expensive and complicated one. It's not like you can just drive down the street to a ski resort, and so I don't get to do it as often as I would like. Maybe someday there will be more time or money for this. But for right now I am pretty excited to be going on this trip. Time to wax my skis :)


K said...

dude, that's awesome! you guys will have so much FUN!

Brenda said...

Fun! Skiing/snowboarding is so fun but is much harder to do when you have kids! Dave and I used to go a lot when we were younger but haven't been in years. Too expensive of a hobby to take the whole family! I would love to take the kids snowshoeing this year though!

Katie at Black Butte Ranch said...
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Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really fun time but I have one question. A ski trip, what will Matt be doing while he is there?!!! Mom

beatlesxforxsale said...

He's taking an into to skiing class. :)