Wednesday, February 08, 2006

4 reasons to laugh when my roommate claims she's a "clean freak"

(this one is for YOU, terry)

1. the bedroom:

2. the bathroom:

3. the living room:

4. the kitchen:

Never fear, for Ciara is here...

... to clean up all her messes!

just a friendly reminder
that cleanliness is next to godliness.


T said...

Are you sure that was the same house?

Linger said...

That's friggin' amazing. You and Laura should discuss organizinational skills, tips and techniques; subsequently you two can organize my office. ;-)

Anonymous said...

WELCOME TO MY WORLD. Praise the Lord, there's finally someone else who can identify with my pain!

Paulos said...

I don't know if it is fair to condemn her, if she claimed to be a 'clean freak'. Nothing looked soiled or moldy seemed clean to me.

Now a neat freak is something totally different, they wouldn't leave stuff piled all over like that.

beatlesxforxsale said...

yeah, i'm pretty sure the only reason stuff ISN'T moldy is cause I live here too. and I catch things before they get truly disgusting....

Unknown said...

matt and i had to live with two filthy individuals at least on par with your roommate. i moved and i think matty poo is nearing the same conclusion. i am impressed however that you could actually clean her shit up and not kill for it.