Sunday, February 05, 2006

i hate being cold

I have a blood circulation problem that makes me cold very easily. Because of it my average body temp is two degrees lower than normal (you know how the human body is supposed to be 98.6... well my temp is usually more like 96). I get chills, especially if I'm not eating or sleeping right or if I'm sick or something.
at my parents house, my bedroom has a broken heating vent and since i don't live here more than a night a week or so, no one has ever bothered to fix it. in addition, my room borders another room with no insulation that is against the outer wall of our house. there is always cold air blowing through this doorway whether or not the door to it is closed.
the rest of our house has adequate heating and my family is quite active, so our heat is usually low (like 65 degrees... room temperature is supposed to be around 70+). This is like torture for me. I wear thermal socks and hats and sometimes even gloves and still shiver. the only place comfortable for me is my bed (and only then because I have like twelve blankets to wrap up in).
anyway, i've had a cold this past week and been feeling pretty shitty in general. today when i got home our house was freezing, and i put on pretty much all the clothing i could find and still wasn't warm, so i went upstairs and sat on my bed and wrapped myself up in all of my blankets. i left the door to my room open so that any warm air would come in. but even then i was still freezing (my fingers were literally turning purple). i was so frustrated and completely miserable that i started crying, and that was about when my family found me, and made fun of me.


Unknown said...

do you ever write anything happy?

Anonymous said...

Ignore the jackass who posted above me. What kind of circulation problem do you have?

beatlesxforxsale said...

it's a certain kind of anemia, but instead of messing with my iron levels it causes little blood clots. it can be painful and i get bruises from it sometimes, but mostly it's just irritating because i get chills and have to move around constantly or my limbs fall asleep.
which is part of the reason i'm so fidgety!