Wednesday, February 15, 2006

today was a very good day.

1) To start off, this morning we debated in our Argumentation and Research class. I was defending the view that cell phones should not be used while driving. I was very nervous, because I couldn't really prepare for it, except for by studying the issue in advance and speculating about the kinds of questions I'd be asked... the rest was impromptu.
We also had a paper due this morning, on the same topic.
In one class, that is three grades: group debate, individual debate, and research paper.
Our group got an A on the debate, and NOT ONLY THAT, but my teacher complimented me on my "command of the room", "confidence" and "charm and charisma". She said I was the only person who had rasied a point on the issue so far that could not be argued. Irrefutable evidence.
Those compliments felt so good.
Two out of my three grades were A's; the paper I feel very confident about. I am hoping for a B.

2) After that, I went home to pick up my stuff for drawing that afternoon, and Jak met me (!) on my way back to school, and bought me lunch, and we hung out for a bit. I have missed Jak. He has been sooo busy with work... it was just good to see him.

3) Drawing today was actually fun for once. I made some pretty neat stuff (I would post it on here but I'm too tired right now). Our teacher extended the due date on our next assignment, and cut out our final project. We have two more weeks for this project. Then only one more and we are finished with the class.

4) The weather was absolutely gorgeous.

5) After school, Luke called me to see if I wanted to go with him to the airport to pick up Todd (!)... so we did. Todd's flight was delayed a couple hours, so we had to wait, but it was really fun hanging out with Luke and Emma. I didn't know Luke very well and he is a really cool guy. He pretty much wasted me at every card game we played, though.

I just got home from the airport. Today has been BUSY but satisfying. I am glad Todd is finally home and that I got to hear some of his stories.

EDIT: After this, Colie and I drove out to the boys' house to see Matt, KV and Nick. 5 guys live together in this house and they mostly work at Nordstrom with Nicole, and they are in a band together. What is nice about them is that they are much closer to our age.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yeah todd is backy poo!
congrats on the debate (but fyi NO position is un-arguable!)