Saturday, February 04, 2006

i may be a germophobe, but this is TRULY NASTY...

my roommate has impetigo all over her thigh and the back of her knee. It is probably the worst case of impetigo I have ever seen. eeeeeww.
not only this, but she seems to be proud of her contagious disease. she shows it to everyone. i'm pretty sure she has a picture of it on her myspace. i don't think she understands that impetigo is a dirty dirty illness that only little children get because they are gross and pick their noses and smear it all over each other. It's NOT cool.
ughhhhh. i am scared of contracting her nasty disease so i've temporarily relocated to my parents' while she burns everything in our apartment (ha... just kidding... about the burning, not about the moving).
but seriously, i keep telling her to wash her sheets, and she keeps saying, "yeah. i should." and then not doing it.

some time in the night, the germs will crawl into my bed and i will wake up with impetigo all over my body and my skin rotting away in patches...

AHHH! showers five times a day in boiling hot water, and our entire apartment will be sterilized, ASAP, upon my return....


Unknown said...

todd would love this post...

beatlesxforxsale said...

i miss todd. =(