Tuesday, November 07, 2006

sales tax

I am not usually vocal about political opinions but I happen to feel very strongly about sales taxes (I am against them) and about private property rights (although that is a whole different story).
So this morning in our sacred space meeting I mentioned that I was against sales taxes and no one agreed with me, which I was expecting. However when they asked me why and I responded "because implementing a sales tax hurts me," nobody seemed to think that was a valid reason for voting against them. Paul said I needed to think more holistically than that and Ashby said something along the lines of, "Whatever, she's 19." As if that somehow invalidates my opinion, I guess because 19 year olds are selfish? Or ignorant?
Anyway, since we live in a land of democracy it is my right to vote in my own best interests and I am always going to vote for what I honestly believe is the best option. Which I feel is the case with a sales tax. I don't have a very high income and right now I don't own property, so I am paying relatively low taxes. As it should be. People with large incomes who own property (like my parents) should pay higher taxes than I do. That is the way it works now, and that makes sense.
Low-income wage earners spend a larger percentage of their income than do high-income wage earners, and by implementing a sales tax, they are the ones would be most affected. (Many of these people are low-income families trying to raise children, and this would affect their ability to pay for groceries and other necessities. There are promises that only non-necessities will be taxed, but who determines what those are? The government?) So essentially it would work the opposite way our taxation system is working right now, and the rich would get richer while the poor get poorer. How does that make sense?
I think property taxes are fair. Land is not free, and people who are wealthy enough to own their own land should pay for it. It is an issue of social responsibility in my opinion. We are each held accountable in spending the wealth we are blessed with. Some are blessed with more than others. Those who are more blessed have a greater social responsibility.
I do not deny that there would be some benefits from implementing sales tax, such as tourist revenue. Also all the other states have sales taxes. I know this; but I still don't think it is the best method of taxation. Just because everyone else does it doesn't mean it is good. I still think the people it hurts most are the people who need the most help and have the lowest incomes to begin with.
So while I realize that people may disagree with my opinion, I see nothing wrong with voting in my best interests. I represent low-income wage-earners who would be negatively affected by sales tax, and there are plenty of us and some more at risk than others. If I am not going to vote for what is best for that group of people, then who will? And why shouldn't I vote my opinion? Isn't that the purpose of democracy?


Anonymous said...

Hold it, sales tax is up for vote in Oregon? I registered in Colorado, so I don't know these things. Does it decrease other taxes at the same time?


beatlesxforxsale said...

no, it's not on the ballot. I mentioned I wasn't voting for any of my party leaders because they were all incompetent and all wanted to implement a sales tax, which I wasn't in support of.

Ashby said...

I was kidding, kid. And yes. You should vote your opinion!

Unknown said...

even the founding fathers thought self-interest was key to democracy, so keep on keepin on.

Paulos said...

Well in oregon we have a state income tax, in washington they have a sales tax but no income tax.

Some states that have sales tax don't tax food (except eating out). Though it would be really hard to keep track of all the sales tax one pays I wouldn't like that. On the other hand, people that are flippant with their money that spend it on expensive cars or other big ticket items have to pay lots of sales tax for stuff like that in other states.

That being said, considering that we are oregon I like that we don't have a sales tax, because we are less like california in that way.

Anonymous said...

I know nothing about politics. Seriously. I feel like a moron. I have no idea which one would be better. All I do know is that I get a huge percentage of the money I work for taken away from me, and that sucks. If a sales tax alleviated my income tax in some way , I might be for it, since I try to not purchase a lot of stuff.