Saturday, November 04, 2006

there was a triple homicide this morning across the street from where we live... and i have to admit, even though the police are claiming it was not a random act of violence (and therefore the rest of the neighborhood is safe), it is still pretty freaky. we didn't know these neighbors even though one of the kids, stephen, went to my high school. the whole event is just surreal. so far no suspects but the police keep saying not to worry. i don't know, maybe you have all seen this on the news... crazy. we live in a crazy world when our neighbors are found shot to death for absolutely no reason...

yeah, i don't really have anything to say.


Anonymous said...

I do have plenty of guns (well, my dad and brothers do), all shapes, all sizes. If you want one...Seriously... that is so crazy, I guess all you can really do is pray and sleep with a shot gun.

Paulos said...

I have a katana if you want to use it, I bet jade's guns will work better, or the frogs could fight the evil off, no one crosses the frogs.

Jenn Sanders said...

That is nuts! When I first heard about it, it was weird because I know the neighborhood... too strange and freaky!

Unknown said...


i am sure there IS a reason we just don't know it yet.