Sunday, January 01, 2006

blood and confessions

the words escape my lips,
and, less than poetic,
hit their mark with a tear-stained glare.
beneath the surface of this scream
the blood, the sweat, the broken teeth;
there's nothing picture-perfect,
nothing to love,
only life beating through empty veins.
this image in my head is distant,
is wrong;
this rush of love from a weeping wound,
and though you tell me this is pain
... i only half believe you.
these scars have become
a source of pride and shame,
a pathetic transparency i meant to hide behind.
and here is this inescapable addiction,
baring its razor-sharp claws to perfect skin
and this little girl spends all her energy
fighting demons twice her size.
... i do this all alone.

1 comment: said...

confessions written in blood.
and while it was pouring, she took her hand from the left pocket and glowed through the redness of what was left of me. started drawing a face she could not remember to have seen.
the pumping was louder only inside my earless face. she realized hearing wasn't even good enough, so she wrote it down. "i liked this, we should do it more often..."