Monday, January 09, 2006

packt like sardines in a crushd tin box

there must be more than this.

spent all day running around to doctors appointments and spent all evening working and trying to gather money for graceworks. i was supposed to hang out with a couple people today, but that didn't happen. (big surprise there.)
all my real friends are back in their real colleges, which leaves me trying to work out stuff with the art institute so i can continue this term. which i'm not thrilled about.

i feel really trapped. i know so few people here right now, and it seems like a lot of my relationships are falling apart. this is almost completely my fault, but it's still a lot more disappointment than I can handle right now.
I was telling daniel last night that I feel like maybe I was spoiled by my friends in high school. The truth is, I'm incredibly sensitive. And nothing bothers me more than the slow breakdown of friendships. I hate the feeling that people have lost interest in me. And here is another thing that is true: I am one of the most loyal friends you could ask for. I stick by people no matter what. I always try to make things work. This partly ties in with what I wrote a couple posts back... why I get hurt a lot. I never let people go when I know I should, and it can be really damaging. I end up chasing them trying to fix things... ugh. I feel stupid and unwanted.
!@#$%^&*() I am bitter and done with this for now.

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