Sunday, January 15, 2006


my day starts on friday morning after about three hours of sleep. getting up at 6:00 to go downtown and register for classes. with only one car between the four of us, transportation is a hassle. i have about twelve different meetings. everything is finally worked out, and i come home and pack up everything i own to move back to the apartment. between these meetings and the packing, it takes all day. when daniel comes home from work, the two of us drive to the apartment and put away all of the crap i've accumulated over the past month. my roommate is sleeping. it's 11:30, and on the drive home we stop at Thriftway to buy a six pack. Happy 21st birthday to Daniel. he is up late drinking, and I still can't sleep. It is partially excitement over my saturday morning class. I watch the Count of Monte Cristo. At 5:30 I give up and take a shower and wait for everyone else to wake up and take me to school.
9am Saturday morning, Principles of Visual Communication (take two) commences. Four hours of solid design. I am running on no sleep and a banana for energy. After class I buy two textbooks and wait with my parents while they load our only car full of wood. It is 2:00pm. On the way home I talk to Nathan, he tells me it is my turn to teach at the KPC tomorrow. Crap. I have six hours of homework, easy, for PVC. More for math.
3:00 I am studying, with little or no break until dinner. after dinner more work, GRACEworks, tax work. I haven't even thought about the KPC. I am waiting for Daniel to call me to come pick him up from the bar he is at with his friends. I go to my friends apartment to get help with my math homework.
Daniel calls, I leave to get him, and that is a freaking ordeal. By the time I get him safely upstairs it is around 3am. Then I am talking to Todd. Why am I talking to Todd? Probably just to anger myself.
At 4 I remember about the KPC, and I start to put some things on paper. I do this for a couple hours, pass out for a couple more, and wake up around 8. Over the past 50 hours, i have slept two. At 10:30 I show up at church, and teach. Poorly. I have to be home by 11:30 to take my (hungover) brother to work. In his drunken stupor he left a bunch of important things in his friend's car last night, and she took them home with her. He needs them for work. He asks me to drive out to newberg and get them for him. The time is now 12:00.
So i drive out to Newberg, and when i show up at jessica's apartment, she tells me that her car is at Aaron's place, which is a couple miles away. I have trouble finding both their places and jessica doesn't want to come with me to show me, so instead she gives me her car keys. i drive to aaron's, find her car, find my brother's crap, lock everything up, drive back to jessica's, drop off her keys, and start driving back to the Toyota dealership to drop eevrything off for Daniel. This brings us to 1:30 pm, 55.5 hours. I have to wait there because Daniel is test driving a vehicle. The same guy tries to sell me something three times in a row. He is cute but I am annoyed. I leave Daniel's crap with the receptionist and go home.
It is 2:00pm when I get there and my mom tells me not to sleep. I have to be at ethnos in a couple hours to set up the projector stuff. Instead we go out for coffee. Coffee turns into a long string of errands that make me want to shoot myself in the temple.
At 4:15 we get to ethnos. Set up. Sarah needs help getting some bread. I go to help her. Sermon. Music. Break (but not really). I am talking to Kris who I haven't seen in months. More talking in the sanctuary. I fall asleep and wake up on Todd's shoulder. hmmm. disoriented.
At 7:30 we tear down, and when we leave at 8:20 I am about to pass out. instead of going home, we go out to dinner, to kill some time before daniel has to be picked up from work, and I am falling asleep in my teriyaki chicken. We pick him up. I finally get home at 9:30. sleeping pills.
it is 10PM right now and I have slept two and a half of the past 64 hours. I think that math is right but it's so hard to say for sure.

sooooooooooooo tired
soooooooooooooooooooooooooo annoyed.
i want sleep. sleep sleep sleepsleppsleepslepeeelspeplelpesple


Paulos said...

Wow, that's longer than I've ever desided to sleep deprive myself for, but as we all know sleep deprevation is the true meaning of college. Hmm, anyway, hope you are not still awake.

Waking up disorented is a good thing, heard that it means rem sleep by somewhere.. somewhere.

Jenn Sanders said...

You are a very nice sister. I wouldn't have done all that stuff for my sister in a million years!!!!