Friday, January 13, 2006

"i bleed when you shoot me in the chest plate"

I had a fantastic day, and here is why. I got a full night of sleep last night for the first time in... well as long as I can remember. I woke up at 9 am this morning. It was nice not having the purple circles under my eyes, or stumbling around the house confused all day...

BEST NEWS: I heard from my school and I get to go back tomorrow to register for classes. Unfortunately I have to meet with my department head, and she is not the nicest lady in the world. Another unfortunate thing is that I couldn't take a sleeping pill, because I was out late with Joe, so I will be up all night, and probably tired when I go in for my meetings tomorrow. to be honest, I'm just happy to be back. I'm ready to focus on something. I'm feeling motivated. Joe told me about the classes he is taking this quarter and I am mega jealous. I hate this gen ed stuff, but taking the good stuff, like audio 1, and the upper level dmp classes will be sweet. I won't get in this term, but I want to take some academic classes anyway (math, cultural studies, something... ANYTHING with a textbook...)

maybe i will take some classes at PSU. like ANATOMY LAB. I have been wanting to take that on the college level ever since i took it in high school. Anatomy & Physiology was the best class ever. I tried to buy a textbook on amazon once after i finished the class. just because i liked the subject.

i really should have been a biology major. or a literature major. i love literature.
i would have loved both of those things.
unfrotunately for me i have a strong sense of obligation and a firm grasp of the amount of suffering present in this world. so i am in art school becoming an independent documentarian instead of studying science. i do not regret this decision, but it is much, much harder.

I think i will take anatomy. maybe if i take a term off. or i will save up my paychecks and buy myself a textbook for fun. uhhhh... if anyone wants to buy me one, i would love you for it. any takers?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

anatomy is satanic you know. rote memorization is also his spawn. i cant retain anything like that.