Sunday, January 22, 2006


(for sleeping... there are ten minutes leading up to this)

rest now in this feeling of silence and timelessness for a while
notice how your mind enjoys this feeling of timelessness
how it enjoys being silent
and how it is pleased by just living in the moment.
let your whole mind and your whole body rest in this timelessness
taking one thing at a time
thus creating a sense of mental peace in all your activities.


i wonder what our christian forum thinks of new age healing/medicine/meditation/yoga? perhaps i will ask them.
i think it is pretty freaking neat myself.


Unknown said...

it doesnt work! ( i am writing this at 4:21 AM)

Dave Ketah said...

I'd try it, but it would be counter-productive since I'm at work.

Jenn Sanders said...

I truly appreciate yoga. I (try) to do as relaxation from the stress of work. When I'm in a timeframe that I can do it on a regular basis in the evenings - I feel awesome! I don't really see it as new age - but wellbeing for my health... maybe it is and I just don't know it...