Friday, January 20, 2006

the boys + poker night

So. I haven't posted in a while because I've been busy with classes, and getting re-settled in my apartment. It's weird, I've been gone too long. I have to spend money on dumb things like paper towels, soap and light bulbs. I hate that those things run out.

I lost a few bucks playing poker with my amigos a couple nights ago. That's all I'm really gonna say about it. The boys stole my money, and now I am bitter.

So... back in art school. All the fun art assignments that come along with that. It's brilliant. For these next two weeks I'm doing a textural study of a pinecone. That is a 10" X 23" drawing, divided up into 0.5" X 0.5" squares. That is 920 squares, and each square is supposed to describe the surface value of the pinecone using a different texture or pattern. When you stand back, the drawing is a pinecone. When you get up close, it's a weird combination of crosshatch/impressionism/random squiggly lines. It's really, really hard to do.
The next assignment after that is a ten-hour trompe l'oeil, which is a french term meaning to "fool the eye." They use this to suggest actual textures and 3-dimensional objects on a 2-dimensional surface. This is an example of a trompe l'oeil drawing. They are really hard to do, too. I am nervous about that already, and it's at least two weeks before I even have to start it. But it is also supposed to be an autobiographical image, a collage of items that express us. How do I express myself in ten items?? And then how do I communicate them?
I am already thinking of important objects to incorporate. My ring? AIDS brochures? Movie stubs? I don't know. I don't really know how to describe me, maybe that is part of why this assignment weirds me out.

On a side note... Daniel told me that one of his coworkers was making some comments about me the other day when Daniel mentioned I was in art school. He was asking questions like, "Is she lazy and unmotivated? Does she have spurts of creativity? Does she swing between periods of stability and wisdom into irrationality and emotional chaos? Does she have irregular sleep patterns?" etc etc etc. Daniel was pretty impressed by the fact that this guy had never met me but pretty much had my personality down to a science. But I'm not really that impressed. Art school stereotypes exist because they really do make sense. I hate them but only because I fit almost every one. Even hating the stereotype is the stereotype. It's so hard to escape.
Actually, a lot of kids I know have had their creative behaviors diagnosed as bipolar disorder. I don't know how much credibility I give to that illness (or at least its overly widespread diagnosis) but I will probably get into that later, as that concept has been bothering me a lot lately, especially being around other art-types.

ALSO! On Wednesday I was hanging out in the student store in between classes and I ran into SHAUN. Shaun is my best art school buddy so far, but since he lives in Vancouver I rarely (if ever) see him outside of class. He and the other Joe (Joe I had a giant crush on-- he owns chickens, that is how we distinguish him from the other Joe-- Joe who has a giant crush on me) thought I dropped out because I'm not in any of their classes this term (they have three together- I'm really jealous). I told him I'm taking Argumentation, and Math, etc. It was fun seeing him and sad that I won't get to hang out with the guys more this term. They're all taking Intro to Audio, and other DMP classes. I also ran into Matthew, although he is several terms ahead already, it was good to see him and catch up. Later the same day I saw Jason too! It was so fun seeing everybody and reminded me how much I love the DMP guys. It's weird to all of a sudden be dropped in a room with 20 or 30 people who share all your interests and passions... kind of hard to describe. But I like it a lot. I wish there were more girls, that is the only fault i find in the program. More girls, but not cooler or smarter or cuter than me, so I don't have to compete, and I can still be everyones favorite with little/no effort. hahaha. anyway, i should get some sleep. I leave you with this...


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