Wednesday, April 12, 2006

no, i don't have time for this... but i need to regroup.

Today was a rough start to a busy, emotionally charged and potentially disastrous week. (Yes, I realize Tuesday is not REALLY the beginning of the week... but whatever).
As it turns out, the Stations of the Cross have been an amazingly huge project and despite midweek conversation (on the forum) the Sacred Space Team came together this morning pretty disorganized and with a LOAD of work to do. There are about nine people who do Sacred Space (Ash, Natalie + Joel, Doug Wilken, Nate, Justin, Paul, Todd, and me). Today we came together with only five and ended up with just me, Ash, Justin and Todd. It was crazy. It was literally a 6-hour long meeting, and by the end I was totally exhausted. I am really excited that the church is going to do the Stations of the Cross, but it has been so crazy (already) trying to make it happen. Yikes. Of course we each have our own workload, but I am scrambling to get mine finished today so I won't have to worry about it the remainder of the week.
Today was really busy with other things, even AFTER our Sacred Space meeting (we got done around 1:30, and Ash and I went straight to another meeting with Chris Lindgren). We got to talk through some cool ideas for GRACEworks stuff. I want to write aobut it but I am too tired to process it well right now. So that can wait.
After that, I went and played soccer with my exboyfriend (yeah, kind of awkward). He asked me a while ago to help him coach a team this summer and I said I would. He is a very talented player so I felt pretty dumb, even though we were just doing some drills and talking about organizational stuff. I never claimed to be good at soccer, but I do like to play. We will see how this turns out.
After that, I spent the rest of the evening working on Sacred Space stuff, driving around to get the materials I needed, writing/cutting/glueing/looking up verses. I am not done yet but I am exhausted. I want to have this all to Justin in the morning so I don't have to think about it the rest of the week.
Tomorrow Mike's little brother is flying in to be with his family (for the holidays and because of April 14). I love him so much but I am really discouraged and dreading seeing him. I know this is going to suck away my time and energy when I really need it. I have meetings and class Wednesday night (my homework is not done yet- ahhh!). I have classes all afternoon and evening on Thursday (from 12:30 to 10:00pm). On Friday, thankfully, school has been canceled, but I am supposed to go to the beach with Mike's mom and brother (another thing I am really dreading. I could go on about this for quite a while). In fact, I'm not totally sure I'm even going to make it to the Good Friday gathering. I do not want this week to happen. it is so busy and I already feel like I am just barely hanging on. I do not want the added emotional burden of everything that this Friday represents (not Jesus OR mikey).
Point being, atfer tomorrow morning, I am not going to have any time to myself. Which is why I need this Sacred Space stuff done NOW. But after hours of working I don't think I can focus anymore. I'm exhuasted. It's nearly 1:30am. Maybe I can finish it in the morning...
=( I can't put into words how discouraged I am thinking about the next three days. I am praying really hard that I make it through...


Unknown said...

your hard work is not for naught. i will see you sunday.

maybe you can convert me? keep your fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Okay, ditto everything you just said, minus the Mike part but plus babysitting, several other meetings, and GRACEworks stuff. I am worried about you (for the Mike stuff) but I think we're even on the workload and I am writing this because it gives me something to do so that I won't have to go look at the forum or make the Station phone calls or...AAAAAAAAAUGH.

I feel especially homesick this week.

But actually, Terry, Friday is the hard part. But yay for Sunday.