Wednesday, April 05, 2006

you may think i'm an artist, but i'm really a nerd

Had my computer class tonight from 6:00-9:45. Wiped me out, but it was really interesting. It's kind of a solo thing which is I think why I like it. It's not about listening to our teacher lecture forever or about working in groups, it's just messing around with different computer stuff on your own.
Today we went through computer basics. We are each going to design and budget for a personal computer that fits our specific needs. Mine of course has to be super speedy with TONS of memory and fantastic graphics and a DVD-R drive. So I spent like 2 hours of my class tonight looking through motherboards online. Reading specs and reviews from all the other video editing nerds. hahaha. yesssss.
The thing about moviemaking is that it sounds glamorous and completely badass, but the people behind it-- the good ones anyway-- are total dorks. Quentin Tarantino is a perfect example of my point. His movies are the epitome of badassness, but the guy himself? Not so much.

I like the night class thing. I'm more alert than I would be in the morning or right after lunch. Although I won't be getting home until 10:00 Wednesday or Thursday. And I will miss community group.

P.S. Where is my roommate? I am beginning to think she doesn't live here anymore.


Anonymous said...

If you're building a new machine, is your new best friend. Go to it. Now. It will save you tons and tons of money. Not joking.

If you need any help or have any questions about this stuff, just ask. I happen to know a little about it.

beatlesxforxsale said...

haha. thanks matt. i will probably come to you with a lot of questions....

Unknown said...

good insight into the world of creative nerddom.