Friday, March 03, 2006

physical touch

I have a theory I have been turning over in my mind for a couple of weeks. I want feedback on this theory, so I hope that you, the reader, will read this post and form an opinion on it, and then tell me what your opinion is.
I am a very affectionate person. Some people don't buy into the whole "love languages" thing, but I TOTALLY do, because for me it has made a lot of sense. I am incredibly touchy-feely. This is hard for me sometimes, because I think physical touch is really misunderstood. Most Americans don't like to be touched or to touch other people, so sometimes they shy away (and I can't help feeling a little bit hurt). With boys, most of the time, it just looks like I'm flirting. With girls it can be awkward, and with adults it seems inappropriate. Whatever. Point being, physical touch is a hard love language to have.
So lately I have been thinking about it a lot. I have started to wonder if there is some scientific reason I like to be touched more than other people. Here comes the theory: I wonder if, chemically, certain things FEEL better to some people than to others. Like the same hug or touch on the shoulder (or whatever...) triggers a DIFFERENT chemical response in different people.
Because, I am a hands-on person in every way. I like to build things. I like to feel different textures. I like to create artwork more than I like to view it.
The reverse is also true about touch- that negative touch, or lack of touch, really, REALLY bothers me. If I am uncomfortable with someone and they touch me, I get freaked out. Strangers touching me = error. I also think this might be why some kids can be spanked and be totally fine, while others are, like, scarred for life. I remember my parents spanking me as a kid and remember it as one of the most terrifying experiences of my life. Not that it was really all that bad or that my parents beat me or anything, just that being spanked did its job. It freaked me out. Also, in high school, when I was dealing with something intense, I used to cut myself. I remember concerned friends/parents/counselors asking me to try to explain why I did it because they didn't understand. To me, it felt good. It was a physical expression of my emotions, which is how I deal with them the best.
So doesn't it make sense that I get a different response from touch than most people? That I am just overall a physical being? You can completely read me by my body language, if you try. I don't like phone conversations very much because I have trouble expressing myself. Any conversation I have on AIM is an ongoing miscommunication.
Everything, EVERYTHING is physical. Not that I can't communicate any other way- I am an intensely empathetic person (more on that later-- because I learned some AMAZING stuff about empathy the other day in my english class) and I pay attention to how others communicate. I also really enjoy spending quality time with people, and having focused conversations. That makes me feel pretty loved too.
Since I have started paying close attention to how people relate to each other, I have started communicating so much better with everyone. For example, a sarcastic remark (which has little to no effect on me, and even if it did, if you followed it up with a pat on the shoulder I'd forget it instantly) can really cut someone who needs words of affirmation. Not accepting or returning a gift from someone who loves using gifts is a major error. Choosing not to return a phone call to a person who needs quality time is the emotional equivalent of saying "I hate you."
Thoughts anyone?

P.S. This same reason is why I sometimes have trouble with God.


Anonymous said...

you are such a wise girl. i am really glad i'm friends with you.

Paulos said...

I'm not sure what to say, haven't really thought about the whole love language thing. I guess it makes sense though, people have different views of what means affection depending on who they are.