Friday, July 21, 2006

oh my gosh.

So here I am sitting at my desk, up to my elbows in charcoal, sketching out frames for my storyboarding class, while my friends are outside swimming, barbecuing and camping... and I am thinking the following:
1) I hate summer classes.
2) I really hate summer classes that happen to be on Saturday morning.
3) I really really hate Saturday morning summer classes that have DRAWING HOMEWORK.
4) I super extremely hate Saturday morning, summer drawing classes where the homework is to draw people and places that explain a narrative in two- and three-point perspective from creative angles, without forgetting my line of action, or breaking the 180-degree barrier, or confusing my audience.

I don't even really know what I am doing right now. How do you draw a storyboard? Why didn't my teacher give me any directions? Am I supposed to mount this? Can I use graph paper? Tracing paper? Bristol board? Matboard? What size? Should there be a border? Should my frames be sketchy, or finalized? Should my figures be exact? Should the frames have shot descriptions? Dialogue? How many frames per page? Should I title them? Number them? Render them? Do I use pen or pencil? If I use pen, what size should the tip be? 0.3mm? 0.5? If I use pencil, should I use soft or hard lead? 4H or 4B? HB? F? Do I draw my vanishing points, or just guess where they are? Do my figures need clothing? What if I don't draw any clothing, is that wrong? Can the frames be simple, or do they need detailed backgrounds?

You'd think creatively-minded people would crave artistic freedom, but I just want some direction because I have no idea what I'm doing. If you say to me, "write a 7-page paper on the role of women in athenian society" I could do it, no problem. I could write a colorful introduction to grab your attention with a quote from Plato or Socrates, I could guide you through six pages of opinions supported by ancient historical texts, and I could tie it all together nicely with some well-researched closing lines.
But tell me to draw 8 frames of a storyboard, and I panic. Oh boy.

Okay... I am just going to do whatever I feel like doing. If it's wrong it's wrong, I can't really help it at this point... I find with art stuff you usually have to mess it up pretty bad a few times before you can really get it right... there aren't exactly hard-and-fast rules or formats for success.


Unknown said...

fuck athenian society.

Paulos said...

What is a storyboard?

Anonymous said...

watching Jonah swim was the most amazing thing I've ever seen.

Angie said...

Wow, no guidelines. That bites. Are you sure you didn't sleep through 30 minutes of the class? :O) Sounds like your professor wants to see what you will decide to do?

Unknown said...

Lack of scholastic direction is so frustrating. Teachers, with the power to fail the student, need to be clear about their expectations! MAJOR pet peeve- there is a major lack of efficiency that comes from a lack of communication on the teacher's part.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.