Friday, May 12, 2006


i went and saw a horrible horrible play- oklahoma. it sucked. it sucked so much that even though my cousin was in it i left during intermission. even getting to intermission was torture. torture on a "slowly breaking every bone in your body" kind of level. it's not that the acting or singing or dancing or sets or script or songs were bad. it's that they were awful. AWFUL. I wanted to tear out my eyeballs and use them as earplugs.

my cousin did a good job though.

also, this formal thing: got a date, don't got a dress. thinking of ditching the date. dates are free and easy to find... but dresses? that could take weeks of shopping around, and money that i simply do not have.
he is pretty cute though, so we'll see if i can figure something out.
suggestions? ashby, you up for a sewing project?
hahaha... juuuuuuust kidding. maybe.


Anonymous said...

first of all, my head just exploded. Second of all, WHAT formal?! Clearly we need to talk more than every other day cause I'm way behind, here.

Unknown said...

i have a hard time imagining you in a dress, OR on a date. he was cute huh, so was he asian?

Anonymous said...

HALF asian

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, that was a funny description of the play.