Thursday, May 11, 2006

mixed feelings

a pretty good day i guess. i talked to my brother earlier and my dad is feeling a little better. he has missed work for over a week already, so i'm hoping he feels well enough to go to the office soon. i'm sure they're hurting without him there.

i aced my computer fundamentals midterm. it was pretty hard so it felt really good. only three more to go.

also i had a pretty encouraging quiet time today. i've been working on a study about communicating with God after Justin and I had a conversation about that a couple weeks ago. there is some good stuff, and i feel a little encouraged, like maybe God hasn't completely forgotten about me the way I thought he had...

the bad things are that there is some drama going on in our church and it has been really discouraging. especially today. yikes. some things have been said that have really, really hurt my feelings. todd came and visited me today and got to hear my frustrations and i felt SOOO much better after i had talked it all out with him. i wish i could do that more because it is so much easier to explain how i feel out loud to someone like todd who knows me really well and can fill in the blanks, vs. trying to say a bunch of stuff to a computer screen where people don't really know me as well as i would like and things are often misread. im way too sensitive for this mode of communication.

the other thing is i'm having so much trouble sleeping, as evidenced by the fact that it is nearly 5am and i am writing a stupid blog instead of sleeping... I think maybe this has something to do with all the stress, first about my dad, then the midterms, and now church... ahhh! i would like to sleep longer than an hour at night without waking up worried about something. it's not a good feeling.


Unknown said...

man the ethnos drama going on is crazy! i have to say it is cool that it seems to be geting resolved though.
good job @ school on the computer test. sometimes i wonder if the liberal arts education we are getting is really that good an idea, seeing as we waste hours and weeks and months slaving away w/classes we dont need/use (like computers for you and macro economics for me).

Anonymous said...

I'd like to say that I don't think the response to your posts on the forum has been justified in any way. I think your posts have been very clear and to the point, and I have not gleaned any hidden agenda or negative implications from the things you've written. I have a very hard time understanding anyone was hurt by your posts or why they would respond negatively. I find that an overwhelming number of your posts are full of wisdom and thought. I think you communicate very well on the forum, and that your posts are eloquent, clear, and easily understood.

So don't get too upset by it. A lot of the negativity on that thread I felt was highly disproportionate to the things people were saying.

Anonymous said...

I tried to log into the forum yesterday and of COURSE I couldn't. what I wanted to point out was that people's personalities have a lot of influence on this argument. I think when the method of communication is so impersonal (forum) that people forget who goes into it- you, who are sensitive and avoid confrontation and are shy, etc; me and Dave, who just blurt things out without thinking; Justin, who carefully chooses every single word (but doesn't avoid confrontation as much as you). Yeah?

I'm sorry you haven't been sleeping well, bebe.

I agree with Matt about your wisdom and your ability to communicate. I'm glad you got to talk to Toddney about it, though.

love you.

beatlesxforxsale said...

Terry- I miss you, dude! How are things? We should hang out.

Matt- thank you for your words of encouragement. I can't explain how much that means to me. I was starting to feel like a big jerk towards the end, but I do feel a lot better today. And, it really means a lot that you took the time to encourage me. Thanks.

Ash-- I am too lazy to post any comments in response to yours, especially since i will see you or talk to you at least five times before you ever read this.

Anonymous said...

(It does, Matt. She's not just saying that. She even told me about how much she appreciates it.)

(We do miss you, Terry. We called you once but I can't remember- did we chicken out and hang up?)

Paulos said...

Dunno what to say, both economics and computers are useful in real life.?