Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I seriously think I am losing it.

... I am such a woman. I am more than slightly ashamed of this story, but oh well. It's just been one of those days.
So this morning I was actually in tears because I could not find a pair of pants that fit. And I had misplaced my belt. I spent at least 20 minutes looking for the belt, and could not find it. So I cried. Then, I threw up (not because of the crying, but because I have been nauseous lately and unable to keep food down... whatever). Then, I got dressed and headed off to my meeting with pants that were literally falling off of me every time I stood up. And I felt gross. And a little like crying.
After dealing with my nausea for a couple of hours, I finally just left my meeting, called the doctor and went into the office to get checked out. I had an appointment for Thursday but... I haven't kept a meal down in several days, and I can't wait that long. I am sooooo tired and hungry and crappy feeling.
The doctor said he can't switch my medicine (he switched me off of the other one because of the weight loss thing, and he was hoping my body would do better on this one) because not enough time has passed yet to see if I will get used to it. UGH. So he gave me pills for my nausea and sent me on my way, with a "if you're still throwing up on thursday, come back in to the office." Uhhh... ok?


Jenn Sanders said...

Yikes! Still throwing up on Thursday!? That's forever away. I'm sorry! I hate throwing up... I would be dying!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like Jade's experiences with doctors. What do we pay them for?

Anonymous said...

Wow. This sucks. I guess that would explain why you weren't feeling well on Sunday? You still look really good though, if that helps at all.
I hope you feel better soon.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Paulos said...

Man, things like this make me dislike the medical field even more. Is there a different doctor that you can go to?