Thursday, June 01, 2006

[EDIT: took out the snakes on a plane trailer... that was for you, troy... and to shield us from further retardation by exposure to this crap]

There are no words to describe how I feel about this.


Anonymous said...

I've had it with the snakes.
(cocks gun)
(mass hysteria ensues)

If I were loglining this, it would be, "Snakes on a plane, dude. Motherfucking SNAKES.... ON... A PLANE!"

beatlesxforxsale said...

ummm... I think that is the LL, dude. I'm not even kidding.

What did she say about the scene? Are you gonna do a table read?
I'm reading the drunk scene next week... too bad we can't read our own! No one knows Devin like I do!

Anonymous said...

This was quite possibly the worst trailer for a movie I have ever seen (at X3). You know it's not a good thing when the trailer for a movie makes you want to throw up. Seriously, who in the world thinks up this garbage? I could poop out a better movie than this.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHA. You should, Matt. You should poop a movie. It would definitely be better.

Unknown said...

when i saw X3 the crowd applauded this trailer. i was astounded.

Anonymous said...

I think when we saw X3 everyone booed the movie in unison. And then Todd started loudly verbally ripping it a new hole and everyone started laughing.

beatlesxforxsale said...

yeah, I brought it up in one of my film classes and it got ugly. My teacher nearly had a seizure when I played the trailer for her. Most people didn't know how to react. Do you laugh at it? Do you just look away and pretend its not happening? And how do we forgive Samuel L. Jackson for this?

The worst part is, it is awful in a fascinating sort of way. There is already a fan base for this piece of shit movie. And it will make money, because people will think to themselves, "that plot is so ridiculous and so poorly advertised, it must have some redeeming quality..." and they will go and see it against their own better judgement.

None of the snakes are even real...

Laura Anne said...

LOL You guys are funny. To tell you the truth the movie looked scary to me...that shows what a pansy I really am! I have a snake phobia due to my cousins chasing me around with garden snakes when I was young. :P
LOL But the title is way too corny, I thought it would have been fine as 'Snakes,' but then when 'On a plane' showed up I started laughing. :D

Laura Anne said...

Leaving...On a snake plane. I don't know if I'll be back again...

Come on, sing it with me!

Leaving...On a snake plane...

Linger said...

Doh! ^ That was me ^