Saturday, October 21, 2006


So I have been trying to help Brad get the Stations of the Cross together for his conference next week. And I am SO CLOSE, I just need one or two more things and I can pass it off to him compeletely. But the problem is, no one knows where these things are. I have asked every person I can think of, including (and not limited to): Justin, Paul, Mer, my mom, Ashby, and various other people involved in the initial planning. Paul, Ash and I waded through piles of crap perched precariously on top of one another in the storage room. Paul got so excited I thought he was going to fall off a stack of boxes and hurt himself. But, no luck. Still missing.
My only hope now is Todd, but I haven't been able to get a hold of him yet. And if I don't then I am stuck trying to figure out some way to recreate this stuff (which I might have to do anyway even if I do talk to him because, let's face it, with our luck, the files were probably all on Justin's crashed laptop).
Anyway. It is just frustrating. I hope I hear back from him soon so I can stop worrying about following through on this.


Ashby said...

You still haven't told me what it is you are looking for.

Dave Ketah said...

I hope you find whatever this 'secret' item is! :)

beatlesxforxsale said...

some instruction things, and a sign-in sheet. we don't need the second for brad's conference but i figure i should find it now while we (may) still remember what it is we're looking for... the first is important.