Thursday, October 26, 2006

pneumonia? how sweet!

Let's take a moment to discuss individual responsibility for contagious illnesses:

Last night, after school, I drove out to BCC to pick up my sister from youth group. I had been in class for three hours and I was pretty tired and wanted to get home, so when she asked if I could give her boyfriend a ride home I was already a little annoyed (never mind the fact that he didn't know how to get to his own house). I asked her why he didn't have his own ride home and she said, "Please just give him a ride! He's sick and he doesn't have a jacket."
So of course I said yes. Well, this guy gets in the car and I said something along the lines of, "So, Daniel, you're not feeling well?"
He responds with, "Yeah, I've got pneumonia."
(First thought entering my mind: OH DEAR GOD! ROLL DOWN THE WINDOWS AND THROW HIM OUT OF THE CAR!) (Second thought entering my mind: Why is a little boy with pneumonia out IN PUBLIC IN LATE OCTOBER WITHOUT A JACKET?)
So I very calmly rolled down my window, pulled my jacket around my mouth and nose and said, "Pneumonia, huh? So why are you out of the house?"
My sister then turned to him with these giant puppy eyes and in her sickly-sweetest flirtatious voice ever, said, "Isn't it so sweet? He still wanted to hang out with me."
(Thought going through my head: That isn't going to be so sweet when everyone in the car gets pneumonia.)
"Ummm, don't you think that's a little irresponsible to be out with such a contagious illness?"
He shrugged (he is not a very expressive young man), and told me he had already had pneumonia seven times before. I told him I had asthma and I have had pneumonia before and did not want it again. He said he had asthma too (again: WHY ARE YOU NOT WEARING A JACKET? WHY ARE YOU LEAVING YOUR HOUSE? WHY DO YOU NOT HAVE YOUR INHALOR STRAPPED TO YOUR FACE LIKE AN OXYGEN MASK???!).

My personal feeling is that people who are sick with dangerous illnesses should not leave their houses until they are through the contagious period of their illness. My sister was very mad at me later for voicing this opinion in front of Daniel, but I stand by it... plus she does not have asthma and has never had pneumonia, so she could not possibly know the full repercussions of his actions.

I really hope I don't get pneumonia this winter. Or the flu. I would die.


Paulos said...

I hope you don't get sick too, though I heard somewhere that the most contagious person is the one that isn't sick yet, their body hasn't started fighting by showing symptoms. I'm not a doctor but I always think that when I hang out with sick people and generally I don't get sick a couple days later, may just be me though :)

Anonymous said...

I agree with Paul, and it depends on what kind of pneumonia he had. I got bacterial pneumonia in Russia, and that kind isn't contagious, so even my friends and host family didn't get it, nor I think did anyone on the plane I took home. Though I did feel bad, checking "no" when it asked if I was bringing any diseases back into the country, since at that time I had no idea what I had.

But don't worry, he shouldn't have been out, and he should've had a coat. I back you up.


Anonymous said...

Ha, I think death might be a little bit of an overexaggeration. I haven't had pneumonia. I hope I don't ever get it.

Dave Ketah said...

I'd be asking your sister why she is interested in such intellectually and socially challenged guys...

Unknown said...

i hope daniel dies of scurvy.