Wednesday, August 23, 2006

just took a sleeping pill.

How do you make a decision between what is good for you and what is pleasing to God? Jesus says to forgive your brother who has wronged you 77 times (which is figurative language I think, meaning, whatever you think is good, do it a lot more than that). But what about when people have a negative effect on you? When they continually disappoint you, hurt you, and stand in the way of your growth?
I guess what I'm asking is... is there ever a point at which you let someone go, because you just need to do it? For you, and for your own health and happiness?

It sounds selfish, but I'm trying hard not to be, which is what puts me in this position repeatedly. I want to be able to help people when they need it and be the person who shows them love no matter how badly they mess up.
But... I just can't do it.

There has to be some justification for withdrawing from relationships that cause serious emotional hurt. That has to be in God's will somewhere, don't you think?
I'm having trouble finding the passage that says where and when I can give up on people...

Anyway. I'm tired.


Paulos said...

Were you able to sleep ok? I know sometimes I have trouble but nothing like some people I know so not sure I really can complete empathy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl,
I don't think it's a matter of giving up on people. You have to also know yourself well enough to know what you can handle. If this relationship is effecting you adversly, then you need to do something. If you have tried everything and your still feeling pulled down, then (in my opinion) it's time to distance yourself.
I have had to do this a couple of times in my own life... it's hard, but one thing I think is important to keep in mind is having an open heart to them. If their life changes or their attitude or the way they treat you (whatever the case may be) then give them the opportunity to show you that. I mean, continue to love them the way we are commanded to - but I don't think that means that you need to cocntinuing hurting at the same time.

I hope this helps... take it or leave it. It's just from my experience.

beatlesxforxsale said...

Thanks, Jenn. It actually does help, a lot. =) Maybe we can talk more about it sometime cause I have a majorly hard time making these decisions on my own.

And yes Paulos... I slept just fine. Ambien knocks me out like a boxer! ;)

Jenn Sanders said...

I would love to!